
How can we help you to
stay at home today?

Care Calls

Computerized telephone assurance program

Drop by the office or call Home Support at 613-756-2772 ext 1 for more information about the Care Call program.

What Is It And How It Works

This is an automated system that is designated to call clients at a set time daily to confirm that they are okay. It is a tool which helps the client to remain at home comfortable with the knowledge that if they cannot answer for some reason or other, assistance will be forthcoming.

If the client doesn’t answer after a preset number of call attempts, an ALERT is issued to the designated person of your choice. A complete background information of the client is printed out in the Home Support office, including doctor’s name and address, nearest friend or relative and medical history so that we can best get the assistant needed. 

This services also offers Medication reminder calls which can be setup to call/remind you several times per day as needed. 

Things To Remember

*Please notify us if you are not going to be home for your call. You may call anytime day or night and leave a message on our answering machine 613-756-2772 ext 1
*If you are hurt and need help— do not answer your phone at the pre arranged time for your call or the 2 calls that follow. Help will then be sent to you.

What fees will I have to pay for this service?

There is no fee for this service.